ZNI researcher at work.

The ZNI established this fund in honor of Zach W. Hall PhD, in recognition of his leadership, dedication and scientific vision for the Zilkha Neurogenetic Institute at the Keck School of Medicine of USC. The fund provides travel awards up to a total of $2,000 per fiscal year (July-June), with no award greater than $500/person, given to a ZNI graduate student to attend a scientific meeting, collaborative trip or research training opportunity as requested by a ZNI PI.


  • Restricted to PhD or MD/PhD students at ZNI
  • The graduate student must currently be enrolled at USC and working with a ZNI Investigator
  • Up to $500 will be applied per person per trip
  • A PI may submit only one request per fiscal year

Submission Process

  • Requests may be made in response to a Call for Nominations as sent out by ZNI
  • PI sends an email outlining the request, providing:
    • Name of the grad student, 2-3 sentence description of their thesis and grad student CV
    • Research purpose and location of trip (website or meeting announcement if available)
    • If a poster, talk or paper will be produced as a result of the trip
    • Approximate dates of travel
    • Estimated trip expenses, detailing amount requested from Zach Hall fund
    • Availability of any complementary funds (e.g., grant, start-up, scholarship, etc.) noting any usage restrictions

Criteria for evaluation

  • Potential for the award to make a positive difference in the training of the graduate student
  • Strength of recommendation of ZNI PI
  • If a poster, talk or paper will be produced as a result of the trip
  • Number of applicants and availability of funds
  • Satisfaction of all eligibility requirements

Announcement dates and deadlines vary. Please contact zni@usc.edu for more information on this award.